Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Maisenbacher House

The Maisenbacher House, a classic brick Italian home of the 1850s, sits on South 7th Street and is a place that Mr. Lincoln knew in his daily life. Now its survival is threatened by development of the Springfield Clinic. As this photo indicates, initial dismantling of the building occurred this fall.

Many forces in the community have rallied to oppose this attack on the Aristocracy Hill neighborhood, from the Springfield Historical Sites Commission to private citizens like Job Conger.

Discussions are underway between the Clinic and several groups, including the Iles House Foundation, about preserving the Maisenbacher. If you think Springfield should save its heritage, not tear it down, please lend your voice. Leave comments here, write to the Journal-Register, or call the Iles House Foundation--at the number above.