Mrs. Elijah Iles
Cordially Invites You To A Soiree
Celebrating Spring and the 214th Birthday
Of Elijah Iles
Saturday, March 27, 2010
6:00 p. m.
At Her Residence
Seventh and Cook Streets
Dinner and Silent Auction
$100.00 per person
Reservations close on March 22
Mail checks to: Elijah Iles Foundation
P. O. Box 144
Springfield, Illinois 62705
Note on Silent Auction
Donors may take items to
Paris Cleaners, 1013 East Ash
during store hours:
7:00 a. m. until 4:30 p. m.
Saturdays, until 12 noon.
You will be given a receipt and the items
will be stored in the Paris vault until the event.
Bette Franke, Chair
R. S. V. P. (217) 523-4006