Sunday, April 15, 2007

In Memoriam

Abraham Lincoln died 142 years ago today, at 7:22 am on April 15, 1865. His friends, Elijah Iles and Robert Irwin, mourned as did all of Springfield.

In memory of his death, the Iles House is decorated in mourning drapery from April 15 until the Lincoln funeral date of May 4. A photo and a video of the decoration process appears on the State Journal-Register site.

This observance marks the first time since 1865 that Springfield has so honored the passing of its famous citizen and America's greatest President.

Tribute by Henry Ward Beecher, pastor of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, New York:

Four year ago, O Illinois, we took from your midst an untried man and from among the people. We return him to you a mighty conquerer. Not thine any more, but the nation's; not ours, but the world's. Give him place, O ye prairies. In the midst of this great continent his dust shall rest, a sacred treasure to myriads who shall pilgrim to that shrine to kindle anew their zeal and patriotism.

Pictures by Dick Hart

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